2024 Fall Meeting: Regarding Abstract Submission


To JPSA members,

Japan Poultry Science Association
President: Naoki Goto

Notice of the 2024 Fall Meeting of the Japan Poultry Science Association

Date:  Thursday, September 19, 2024
Venue:  Kyoto University (Yoshida North Campus)
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN

Events: Presentation(Oral Session), General Meeting, Awarding Ceremony, etc.

[Abstract Submission]

Abstract Submission Period : Tuesday, June 18 – Thursday, July 11, 2024

(1) Deadline: Thursday, July 11, 2024
(2) Please send the abstract via email according to the application guidelines.
  Submissions will be accepted starting Tuesday, June 18, 2024.
(3) Candidates for the Best Presentation Award must be students or under 30 years old at the time of presentation. If you are eligible, please mark a double circle◎ to the left of the presenter’s name on the second page of the abstract.
(4) Only individual members are eligible to present. If you are not a JPSA member, please apply for membership.
(5) Due to program scheduling, each person is limited to one presentation. However, it is allowed to be a co-author on other presentations.
The abstract submission will be effective only after the completion of meeting registration and payment of the registration fee. Please be sure to complete the registration after submitting your abstract.

Instructions for Abstract Submission

1. Download the sample of the presentation abstract“(Word file)”.
2. Rewrite(Overwrite) a template in the following;
First Page
1) Presentation title
2) Name and affiliation(Mark the presenter with a circle (〇))
3) Presentation abstract (purpose, methods, results, and Conclusion)
Note: Do not change the page settings of the downloaded file.
Abstract should include only text, and it is not appropriate to include tables and figures in the abstract.
To avoid character corruption, avoid using special characters as much as possible.

Second Page
4) Presentation title and presenters name and affiliation
5) Presentation category
(Choose from genetics and breeding, reproduction, physiology, behavior, feed and nutrition, anatomy and histology, management, hygiene, production and processing.)
6) Best Presentation Award candidate: If the presenter is a student or under 30 years old at the time of presentation, mark with a double circle (◎).
Note: Do not forget to include the Japanese title, name, and affiliation.
If it is difficult to make the Japanese title, please inform the office.

3. Send the abstract
1) Save the file name as “jpsa2024f(name of the presenter)”, and write the presentation title and name of presenters in the text of the e-mail
2)Send it as an email attachment to jpsa2024f@jpn-psa.jp.

・The email subject should be the same as the attachment file name.
・In the email body, include a statement that you are submitting the abstract for the 2024 JPSA Fall meeting.

Abstract Submission Period : Tuesday, June 18 – Thursday, July 11, 2024

Send to : jpsa2024f@jpn-psa.jp

If you did not receive the confirmation email by Friday, July 12th, please contact to our office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Contact: jpsa2024f@jpn-psa.jp


Advance registration via the Peatix website is required for participation in the Fall meeting.
Registration starts: June 1 (Saturday)

※ We will inform you of detailed information such as the schedule, events, participation fees, etc. as soon as fixed, through the website or email. 
