Abstract Submission

Call for Abstracts


Abstract Submission Period   January 6 (Fri.)- January 26 (Wed.), 2022

We will not use the web system for abstract submission at this meeting.
Please prepare your abstract according to the guidelines and send it by e-mail.

Submit to  jpsa2022s@jpn-psa.jp

The Best Presentation Award is given to students or under 30 years old at the time of presentation.
Please put a double circle◎ to the left of the presenter’s name on the second page of the abstract.
If you are not a member, please apply for membership.
Only one presentation is allowed per person. However, it is acceptable to be a co-author of another presentation.

Abstract template
Regulations for JPSA Meeting Presentation 


Meeting Registration
All participants including presenters need to complete registration. Otherwise, your submission will be invalid.

Registration period: December 1 (Wed.) –

Registration Details (English)

⤿Meeting Information


