- 公開シンポジウムオンライン開催のお知らせ -
期 日: 2025年3月27日(木) 日本時間
午前の部: 9:00~11:00
午後の部: 14:00~16:00
場 所: オンライン開催(Zoomを利用予定)
参 加 費: 無 料
申込締切: 3月24日(月)
参加受付フォーム: https://forms.gle/3N6GzA1y4TSDrNmN6
参加方法: 本シンポジウム参加申込者にZoomへのアクセスに必要な情報を電子メールで配信します。

テーマ『 Exploration of the function of chicken gut microbiota and mode of action of probiotics by using germ-free environment 』
オーガナイザー:Atsushi Tajima, Ph.D. (田島淳史)
Two major approaches are being taken to understand the role and function of chicken gut microbiota. Firstly, with the latest molecular biological techniques, metagenomics can reveal the complex community of microbes in the gut and has great potential to access functional pathways of the gut microbiota. This is an attempt to understand the role of the combined microbial consortia in the gut through detailed analysis of large comprehensive data sets. The advantage of metagenomics is that it allows entire gut microbiota to be studied, including unculturable bacterial species, in the context of extensive microbe:microbe and microbe:host interactions.
Another approach is the effect or function of specified target bacteria could be well observed in germ-free environments by simplifying or controlling bacterial communities colonizing in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it is possible to observe the direct microbe:host interactions in test bacteria mono-associated animals. In the simplified gut microbiota with a limited number of bacterial species, the interaction of each bacterial species can be observed with less complexity. The speakers have been working on a unique approach to elucidating the mechanisms of action of gut microbiota and probiotics by making mono-associated or simplified microbiota chickens made from ex-germ-free birds. Through this symposium, we would like to introduce findings on intestinal microbiota obtained from those ex-germ-free chickens.
Exploring Host:Gut Microbial Interface using a Gnotobiotic Model
Andrew Van Kessel, Ph.D.
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Using Defined Communities to Evaluate the Role of Specific Microbes
Ben Willing, Ph.D.
University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
Mode of Action Studies for Bacillus Probiotics in Germ-Free Environments
Tomohiro Hamaoka (濱岡 寛裕), Ph.D.
Asahi Biosciences Inc., Peachtree City, USA
『Application of advanced biology to poultry production』
代表オーガナイザー:鏡味 裕(信州大学農学部)
共同オーガナイザー:Guojun Sheng(熊本大学国際先端医学研究機構)
Advancement of poultry science is expected to improve poultry production. For the improve of the chick hatchability, developmental analysis from early embryos to hatching is important. Germline chimera is one of the useful tools for poultry genetic conservation and breeding. To increase poultry meat and egg consumption, scientific analysis on food chemistry is essential. Due to the scientific and industrial importance, this international symposium will invite leading/young scientists in poultry developmental biology, stem cell engineering, reproductive engineering, and food chemistry to present the latest research results. Active discussion will be expected for the advancement of poultry science and industry.
14:00~16:00 (各講演者 15 分(含・討議)
開会辞 鏡味 裕
1)Perspectives on Avian Stem Cells for Poultry Production
鏡味 裕 信州大学農学部
(Hiroshi Kagami, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University)
2)高病原性鳥インフルエンザ発生時のリスク分散を想定した比内鶏復元の取り組み (in Japanese)
力丸 宗弘 秋田県畜産試験場
(Kazuhiro Rikimaru, Akita Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station)
3)初生雛鑑別AIの開発 (in Japanese)
中村 隼明 広島大学大学院統合生命科学研究科
(Yoshiaki Nakamura, Grad School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University)
4)Health benefits of eggs: effects on serum lipid profiles and antioxidant status in human
岸本 良美 摂南大学農学部
(Yoshimi Kishimoto, Faculty of Agriculture, Setsunan University)
5)Establishment of an Eggshell-Free Culture for Comprehensive Observation of Chicken Embryonic Development
村井 希衣 信州大学農学部
(Kie Murai, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University)
6)The effects of economically damaging mycotoxins on the cell cycle of chicken primordial germ cells
András Ecker ハンガリー農業生命科学大学
(András Ecker, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
7)Avian Model in Developmental Biology and Conservation Studies
Guojun Sheng 熊本大学国際先端医学研究機構
(Guojun Sheng, IRCMS Kumamoto University)
閉会辞 Guojun Sheng