About JPSA

The predecessor of the Japan Poultry Science Association (JPSA) started out in 1954 as a branch of the World Poultry Science Association(WPSA). In 1966, the JPSA was formally established, with the objectives to contribute to advancement of the poultry industry in Japan and internationally through fundamental and applied research in the field of poultry science.
The principal missions of the JPSA are to promote studies and to extend research information related to poultry science. Examples are as follows:

To hold scientific meetings for the presentation of research findings and general meetings twice a year .
To publish the two official journals, “The Journal of Poultry Science” in English (online) and “Japanese Poultry Science ” in Japanese (2 issues a year).
To honor individuals for their outstanding contributions toward the development of poultry science and the poultry industry.
To introduce state-of-the art information on research and technology from overseas countries to related associations and industries.

JPSA holds annual meetings twice a year in Spring and Fall, and a symposium on topics of importance for poultry science and industries. We also publish official journals, “The Journal of Poultry Science” (in English, indexed in the Web of Science) and “Japanese Poultry Science” (in Japanese). Newsletters to inform the latest topics are issued to the members. The activities of the Japanese branch office of the WPSA are always introduced by their newsletter.

The Society commends the members and young researchers who have performed superior research activities in the field of poultry science, and the technique developers who have contributed to the development of the poultry industry.


JPSA Agreement

Japan Poultry Science Association Agreement & ByLaw
