Japan Poultry Science Association Agreement
Article 1: Name
This Association shall be called Japan Poultry Science Association (JPSA).
Article 2: Office
The JPSA office is located at National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science (N ILGS), 2 Ikenodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
Article 3: Purpose
JPSA aims to promote the domestic poultry industry by enhancing poultry research. It also seeks to contribute to the development of the world’s poultry industry using its international standing as the Japanese branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA).
Article 4: Activities
In order to achieve purposes prescribed in the preceding article, JPSA will conduct the following activities:
1. Organize research meetings and symposiums concerning poultry
2. Publish official journals
3. Exchange material and research achievements between our society and the poultry industry, as well as introduce domestic poultry information to foreign countries
4. Grant the domestic industry and related associations in Japan access to international information, material and research activities
5. Acknowledge those who have contributed notably within the society by presenting them with awards
6. Recognize those who have aided the advancement of science in the field of poultry
7. Collaborate with WPSA activities e.g., determines which recommended research papers will be submitted to the World Poultry Conference
8. Other activities necessary to achieve JPSA’s objectives
Article 5: Members
JPSA is comprised of regular members, student members, senior members, special international members, supporting members and honorary members
1. Individuals with experience and knowledge of poultry can join JPSA as regular and student members. Regular Member-A and Student Member-A can join both WPSA and JPSA.
Regular Member-B and Student Member-B can join only JPSA.
2. Student members must agree with the objectives of JPSA and be enrolled in a university or equivalent school.
3. Senior members must be 65 years of age, or older, and have been a regular member of JPSA for more than 10 years.
4. Special international members must be foreign citizens residing abroad, must support the objectives of JPSA and must possess knowledge and experience in the field of poultry.
5. Supporting members are those who have sponsored JPSA activities. Supporting Member-A is a member of both JPSA and WPSA, whereas Supporting Member-B is a member of only JPSA.
6. Honorary members are those who have been especially meritorious to JPSA.
Article 6: Joining
Prospective members may request approval through a predetermined application .
Article 7: Withdrawal
In order to withdraw membership from JPSA, members should send JPSA a notification in advance and request an approval for the same.
Article 8: Forced Withdrawal
Members who default on paying membership dues may be expelled from JPSA following a deliberation by the Board of Trustees.
Article 9: Expulsion
Members who damage the reputation of JPSA may be expelled, following a deliberation by the Board of Trustees.
Article 10: Membership Fees
Membership fees(1 Year) for JPSA are as follows:
Regular Membership A* ¥10,000 per year
Student Membership A * ¥ 4,500
Supporting Membership A* ¥47,000
*Includes membership fees for WPSA
Regular Membership B ¥ 7,000
Student Membership B ¥ 3,000
Supporting Membership B ¥40,000
Senior Membership ¥ 3,000
Special International Membership $50 (US Dollars)
Article 11: Officers
JPSA has the following officers:
Directors: 15 (1 President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 12 Managing Directors)
Auditors: 3
Article 12: Officer Duties
JPSA officers are required to perform the following duties:
1. The President shall represent JPSA and preside over all activities.
2. The Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties; one of the two shall be primarily responsible for public relations.
In the event that the President has an accident, the Vice-President shall perform duties of the President according to predetermined procedures.
3. In addition to the requirements of these protocols, it is also required that they establish the Board of Directors and deliberate on, as well as enforce, matters other than those under the authority of the General Assembly and the Board of Trustees.
4. Managing Directors shall assist the President, engage in various work based on the decisions of the Board of Directors and deal with matters arising from resolutions reached by the General Assembly.
5. Auditors shall be responsible for auditing JPSA’s accounts.
Article 13: Board of Trustees
JPSA shall have 45 to 50 members on the Board of Trustees at all times.
These members shall organize the Board of Trustees and discuss important matters regarding JPSA’s operations.
Article 14: Terms of Office for Officers and Trustees
Officers and Trustees shall serve a term of two years; however, this does not preclude reappointment.
Substitute Officers shall serve out the remaining term of an Officer being replaced.
Officers shall continue performing their duties, even after their term is complete, until a new Officer is appointed.
Article 15: WPSA Councilors and WPSA Secretaries
The selection, length of term and number of positions to be held, with regard to WPSA Councilors and Secretaries, shall occur as set forth in the WPSA Agreement.
WPSA Councilors and Secretaries shall reflect the intentions of the Japanese branch to its members and collaborate in the achievement of WPSA’s objectives.
Article 16: Staff
JPSA may employ staff as deemed necessary to handle its activities and these staff shall be paid for their services.
Article 17: Selection of Officers, Board of Trustees, WPSA Councilors & Japanese-Branch Secretaries
Selection of Officers and Trustees shall be determined in the General Assembly through the deliberations of the Board of Trustees. Applicants will be selected from the pool of Regular Members by the Selection Conference of Representatives.
WPSA Councilors and WPSA Japanese-branch Secretaries shall be nominated from the Regular Member-A pool and finalized in the General Assembly.
Article 18: Board of Directors
1. The President shall convene the Board of Directors and shall act as the President of the Board for those proceedings.
2. The Board may not vote on a matter unless attended by at least two-thirds the number of Directors. However, with respect to said proceedings, those who submit their written assent in advance shall be deemed present.
3. Except as otherwise stated, decisions by a majority of the Directors in attendance that end in a tie shall be left to the President’s discretion.
Article 19: The Board of Trustees
1. The President may convene the Board of Trustees at any time and shall act as the President for those proceedings.
2. The Board of Trustees may not open proceedings or vote on any matter unless attended by at least one-fifth of the number of Board of Trustees. However, with respect to said proceedings, those who submit their written assent in advance shall be deemed present.
3. Except as otherwise stated, votes by a majority of the Board of Trustees in attendance that end in a tie shall be left to the President’s discretion.
Article 20: General Assembly
1. The Generally Assembly may be held as an ordinary assembly or special assembly.
2. The President shall convene the regular General Assembly once per year.
3. The President shall hold a special General Assembly as deemed necessary, or as requested by at least one-fifth of the members of the Association, on a subject matter indicated. The President shall act as the President of the special General Assembly in the event that one is requested.
4. The subject of the General Assembly shall be indicated and notified to all members seven days prior to convocation.
5. The General Assembly shall decide the following:
➢ Activity plans and expenditure budget
➢Activity reports and settlement of accounts
➢Appointment of Officers, Trustees, WPSA Councilors & WPSA Japanese-branch Secretaries
➢Changes in the agreement
➢ Dissolution
➢Any other matters as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors
6. The General Assembly shall consist of all present members.
7. The General Assembly shall only pass a decision on matters that have been announced in advance. However, decisions on other matters may be passed when there is consent from at least two-thirds of the members present.
8. Votes by a majority of the members in attendance that end in a tie shall be left to the President’s discretion. However, decisions regarding changes to the agreement require at least two-thirds of the votes of present members. A decision on dissolution requires at least two-thirds of all members to be present and a three-fourths majority decision.
9. In the event of an urgent matter requiring a resolution of the General Assembly when there is no time to convene, the President may handle the matter through a resolution of the Board of Trustees. Further, votes may be made in writing. This being said, the President must seek the approval of the General Assembly in the subsequent meeting.
10. Members shall be kept updated with important proceedings and resolutions of the General Assembly.
Article 21: Accounting
Expenses of the Association shall be covered by the means set forth below:
1. Membership Fees
2. Donations
3. Subsidiary Aid
4. Other income
The Association’s fiscal year begins on March 01 each year and ends on the last day of February the following year.
Article 22: Treatment of Residual Assets Following Dissolution
Residual assets associated with the dissolution of the Association shall be donated to a public service that shares similar objectives with the Association .
At least three-fourths of each – the Board of Directors, the Board of Trustees and the General Assembly – will vote on the same.
This agreement will come into effect September 10, 2015.
Japan Poultry Science Association Bylaws
Article 1: Meetings
JPSA shall hold annual research meetings and symposiums more than once a year as is the convention set forth in Article 4 of the Agreement.
A Congress President, responsible for planning and inaugurating the event, shall be appointed by the President of JPSA each time.
Article 2: Journals and Newsletters
1. JPSA shall publish the Journal of Poultry Science and the Japanese Journal of Poultry Science as set forth in Article 4 of the Agreement.
2. The Journal of Poultry Science is issued four times a year; it publishes reviews and original papers (i.e., research papers and research notes).
The Japanese Journal of Poultry Science is issued twice per year; it publishes reviews, original papers (i.e., research papers, research notes and technical reports), commentary, news, documents and JPSA reports.
3. A newsletter is issued twice per year as a correspondence to all members (excluding special international members).
4. Proceedings of annual meetings and symposium lectures are issued as separate convention issues.
5. Submissions to the journals are determined under separate provisions.
Revision of Instructions for Authors shall be deliberated and determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 3: Awards
1. JPSA shall present the following awards as prescribed in Article 4 of the Agreement:
(1) The Japan Poultry Science Association Distinguished Service Award shall be awarded to a full member who has contributed to the development of JPSA.
(2) The Japan Poultry Science Association Award shall be awarded to a regular member who has contributed to the advancement of science related to poultry.
(3)The Japan Poultry Science Association Encouragement Award shall be awarded to a young member or student member, who has produced significant academic results related to poultry, in anticipation of their future development.
(4) The Japan Poultry Science Association Technology Award shall be awarded to an individual or group who has developed new technologies that contribute to the development of the poultry industry, or to an individual or group who has been successful in actively introducing new technologies or ideas in management.
(5)The Outstanding Paper Award shall be awarded to an individual for publishing a paper of excellence in the Journal of Poultry Science.
(6) The Outstanding Presentation Award shall be awarded to an individual who has made excellent presentations at JPSA’s annual meetings.
2. Winners of the Japan Poultry Science Association Distinguished Service Award, Association Award, Encouragement Award and Technology Award shall be determined by the Board of Trustees from a pool of recommendations nominated by a committee.
The winner of the Outstanding Paper Award shall be determined by the Board of Directors from a pool of recommendations nominated by the Editorial Board.
The winner of the Outstanding Presentation Award shall be determined by Managing Directors based on the evaluation of judges for the selection.
3. Recognition of the winners of the Japan Poultry Science Association Award, Encouragement Award and Technology Award shall be published in the official journals.
Article 4: Committees
1. JPSA may create various committees in order to perform operations prescribed in Article 4 of the Agreement.
2. The Board of Trustees shall determine the name, configuration of members and duration of each committee.
3. The President shall appoint regular members to the committee as determined by the Board of Trustees.
4. The Editorial Committee responsible for editing journals and newsletters, the Committee for the Promotion of Industry-Academia Exchange and the International Exchange Committee shall exist at all times.
5. The term of office for members of the Editorial Committee, Committee for the Promotion of Industry-Academia Exchange and the International Exchange Committee shall follow the provisions in Article 14 of the Agreement with necessary modifications.
The President for the Editorial Committee and the Committee for the Promotion of Industry-Academia Exchange shall be appointed by the Associate President and via mutual election by committee members respectively.
The WPSA Secretary shall be the President of the International Exchange Committee and shall preside over said committee.
Article 5: Honorary Membership
1. The Board of Trustees shall appoint candidates for honorary membership; this will be decided in the General Assembly.
2. Honorary members shall receive a membership card and medal.
Article 6: The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall deliberate and decide on the following matters:
1. Select winners of the Japan Poultry Science Association Distinguished Service Award, Association Award, Encouragement Award and Technology Award
2. Recommend Officers and Board of Trustees, as well as determine WPSA Councilors
3. Recommend honorary member candidates
4. Recommend candidates to be acknowledged or issued incentives per the request of various organizations or institutions
5. Matters concerning the establishment of various committees
6. Matters concerning the expulsion of members
7. Other matters as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors
Article 7: Membership and Journal Fees
1. Membership fees must be paid in advance, as a general rule. Members who join in the middle of the year are required to make a full payment for that year.
2. Members (excluding special international members) may receive journals free of charge but senior members do not receive the Journal of Poultry Science.
3. Regular members, student members, senior members, special international members and honorary members may participate in and present their papers at various events organized by JPSA. Page charges to publish their papers in official journals will be set at a membership price.
JPSA does not issue special international members with any documentation required for entry into Japan.
4. Non-members who wish to subscribe to the journals or newsletters may purchase individual issues at a determined price, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article 8: Allotment of Association Duties
General affairs, accounting, editing and event duties shall be appointed to the respective
Managing Directors. The Managing Director responsible for editing shall participate in the Editorial Committee as well.
Article 9: Selection Conference of Representatives
The Selection Conference of Representatives requires thirteen members that will be constituted by the President and a combination of twelve delegates of regular members. This will be done by methods prescribed separately.
These bylaws will come into effect September 10, 2015.